Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Gundam Arms

The first thing i did was created a closed spline for the front outline of the shoulder pad, a spline is basically a line tool. I then used the extrusion modifier on the closed spline to create a flat panel. I then extrude this out to create a thick panel, then inset the front polygon and pulled it out slightly to get a better shape. I then extruded the upper back polygons out and applied the symmetry modifiers. I converted this shape into an editble to create one object. I then inset and extruded a section on the shoulder pad. I then created the handle in the shoulder, i created a spline in the shape i wanted then i created a circle spline next to it. I selcted my shapeded spline then went to the compound objects menu and selected loft, then selected get shape, i then clicked on the circle I had made. This created a cylinder around my spline.

I now started to make the top section of the arm, this was two simple box primitive's, the lower one was divided into 3 sections.

I then chamfered the top section of the top box, and extrude 2 sections out of the bottom box. then i chamfered the botttom part of these 2 sections.

I then created cog like objects that surrounded the joints, to do this made some thin cylinders. I inset the cylinders then raised the inset polygon. I cut 2 lines across the middle of the cylinder to make 2 semicircles either side, and extruded these cirles in and that was the cogs made.

I then made a smaller box for the lower parts of the arm.

Then using the same method i used for the shoulder pad, i created the forearm. this was a combination of splines and extrusion.

I created the hand by making asimple box primitive and extruding sections to create the shape then edited the vertices to be more precise. The fingers were a set of smller boxes with notches sticking out the back, these notches acted as joints. I arranges the finger sections in to the right positions, i used a flat hand positions unlike the blueprint, this was to help with applying a biped to the gundam.

I then arranged the arm togetehr and attached cartain parts together, below is the final arm.

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