Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Gundam Legs

To make the leg I created a close spline then used the extrusion modifier, I inset the top polygon then extruded it out, then chamfered the edges. I also inset the bottom polygons in the arch then inset them inwards. i then slightly chamfered the edges of the thicker leg area.

I then created a chamfer box, this a box with smoothed corners and edges, I then used soft selection and pulled some of the vertices out. This created a more speherical object.

I then went on to create the knee ornament, to do this i cut segments into the front polygons then extruded from these nowly cut polygons. I then used vertices selection to aligned sections with the blueprint behind.

I extruded the bottom set of polygons out to crate the bottom of the leg then dited vertices to get the right shape.

I then created a notch section at the bottom of the foot with extrude to act as the joint to the foot.

I then started to create the foot, i did this the same way as both the shoulder pad and upper leg section. I created 2 closed splines, one for the ankle and one for the frontal foot, i then extruded these to create a base.

I then inset the top polygons, and extruded them upwards, i edited the vertices to get the right shape from the blueprint.

I copied the cog objects I made earlier and dragged them down to the foot. I also created a guard over the top of the foot to do this i create a thin box then extruded the top setion out. I then mirrored the object to created a full guard.

The leg is now complete

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